Over 3 million jobs delivered on time, every time.

LawDocsXpress delivers on-demand legal support for law firms, corporate legal departments, and government agencies.

  • Our experienced U.S.-based legal staff is at the ready to handle your legal secretarial, word processing, and paralegal needs.
  • Pay only for what you use. No annual contracts. No monthly minimums. No overtime fees.
  • It’s all possible thanks to our time-tested workflow system built to handle on-demand work – complexities, scheduling, costs, and turnaround times.

Only LawDocs can replicate the caliber of in-house legal administrative services at a significant cost advantage.

Help at a moment’s notice.

LawDocs has delighted clients for over 20 years, and many clients have worked with us for 10 years or more.

  • Your dedicated team is available 24/7/365 – whenever you need support. We don’t randomly assign work.
  • There’s never a premium for evening, weekend, or holiday time because our system scales up or down quickly.
  • We use only experienced, US-based legal personnel who have advanced word processing or practice-specific skills.
  • We’ve cultivated a stable, experienced staff, most of whom have worked with their clients 10+ years.

Only LawDocs delivers high caliber legal support – without the overhead

Performing 3+ million jobs over 20 years has earned us a high percentage of loyal, 10+ year clients.

Our system works within Amazon Web Services (AWS), requires a 2-factor authentication, is HIPPA-compliant, and only grants access to client-approved personnel

Usage-based pricing with no long-term contracts, minimum fees, or overtime/holiday premiums

Choose a continual flow of projects, handle overflow, or deliver on those tight deadlines that dictate after hours and weekend work. Free set up in 10 minutes.

Proprietary software for on-demand work results in 99% on-time delivery and 98% accuracy in document preparation

Get Started.

If your demands for legal assistants and support staff can be unpredictable or overwhelming, let us show you a new way.